Yesterday I spent a good part of my afternoon chatting with a young 19-year-old lady who came home to seek advice from me, but through our long coffee banter I landed up learning more from her. She got me gripped when she said, marriage for me and some of my friends is a “good to have” rather than a “must have”.
From there on, she spoke, and I listened.
She mentioned that today’s youth, Gen Z living in big cities to be more specific, live in a result-oriented environment. In their world, effort is directly proportional to outcome. And when it comes to marriage the expectation isn’t much different. How are responsibilities divided? What one gives v/s what one receives in return. Her exact works were “we won’t patiently wait around for our partners to learn bit by bit. We believe in quick results. Slow burn isn’t something we know or understand.”
She then went on to say “We’re ready to play the game of equals and to play it well. We refuse to teach the rules of the game and wait for the other half to catch up. Who has time to play mom or teacher.” So, she and her likes sum up marriage as a great “good to have” rather than a “must have” as they have enough going for themselves and their expectations from life go way beyond just finding a life partner to settling down with.
Watching the clarity of this young woman and her kin, many women in their 40s who have been patting themselves on their backs for having moved the needle in their favour slowly but surely, today feel a sense of “having settled”. They wonder why they never questioned this lopsided responsibility balance that this younger woman demands. And this woman refuses to buckle under the pressure of being tagged as a generation “not willing to adjust”.
The question to ask is, does an “adjustment” marriage keep the success rate higher?
While this could be true, one could argue that up until now where women molded or adjusted and played the more hardworking partner, it was all good. But today if she wants it all and as effortlessly as the man, the effort required from him, increases. So, all the progressive men out there, the need of the hour is to pull up your socks. You might not be the hunk in town, but if you wear a progressive “I’ll do my fair bit” tag, you’re extremely desirable.
The progressive man is aware of this changing environment and is willing to put in that effort as an equal partner and most often sees merit in it. He finds a woman who can walk beside him, sit next to him in a conference room, and make joint financial decisions for their future, far more attractive than a woman sitting in the wings waiting for the man to take the lead. A happy trend I must say and hopefully one that’s here to stay. The numbers on this thinking might be tiny today, but it creates hope. In a country as big as ours, where change in mindset needs to trickle into the masses for it to really make a difference, let’s hope this tiny start creates a ripple effect.
And now it’s left to the boys to move the needle from “good to have” to “must have”.
So, c’mon gentlemen, Game on!